Best Paint Brush For Front Door

A lot of homeowners are under theimpression that painting an exterior metal door is just the same aspainting any type of door. So they paint it as normal until later onwhen they see unattractive brush marks. While this can work for somehomeowners if they accept it as part of its style, most homeownerswould hate looking at it so they’ll spend more time, effort andmoney to correct it.

The brush head is the working end of a paint brush. Brush head bristles, or filament, can be made from a variety of materials. Synthetic paint brushes offer more versatility and can be used with all paint types. In general, the best paint brush for oil-based paint will have natural bristles. Nylon paint brushes. Nylon bristles are recommended for water-based paint, though most can also be used with oil-based paints. This type of paint brush is not recommended for applying shellac or lacquer. Nylon/polyester blend paint brushes. Nylon/polyester brushes combine two synthetic fibers to.

A metal front door is supposed to be sleek and smooth. This is why brush marks will defeat the purpose of having this type of front door. Brush marks may look nice on a wooden one, but they will trigger your obsessive-compulsive personality if you see them on a metal door.

Make sure to also read our articles on removing plaster and how to repair hairline cracks.

How to Paint a Front Door without Brush Marks

Actually, the easiest way to ensurethis is to hire a professional. Professional painters, especially theexperienced ones, have been doing this for a long time already thatthey know what to do from the preparation to the finishing. This way,you can just sit back as you watch them do it for you. Once done, youcan enjoy your metal front door that’s newly-painted minus thebrush marks.

But since you’re reading thisarticle, you want to learn how to paint a front door without brushmarks. We have this covered. Here’s how to do it.

  1. Remove the door.

Swing it open andlook for the hinges that connect it to the frame. Locate the hingepin and position a screwdriver against it. Hammer the screwdriverlightly in order to loosen the hinge until it’s removed. Do thesame for the other hinges. Most doors will have 2 or 3 of them.

Pull the door awayfrom the frame. Ask for help if necessary. Place it down slowly andsafely on a flat surface.

This is also whenyou remove all the attached hardware to avoid getting paint on them.Basically, remove whatever you don’t want to be painted. Forexample, you’d want your door knocker to remain as shiny stainlesssteel, right?

Use a screwdriverfor this task. Don’t use power tools. This calls for more delicatetools.

NOTE: This stepshouldn’t be necessary especially if you live in an area where it’scold because the cold weather will make it longer for the paint todry. No matter how safe you think your neighborhood is, you wouldn’twant an open invitation for would-be robbers. A missing front door isan open invitation for criminals.

  1. Prepare the area for painting.

The surface has tobe clean and free from grease. This is why it’s recommended thatyou clean the surface using a degreasing cleaner. You have to knowthat grease will make it harder for the paint to adhere to thesurface properly and completely.

If the door is nottoo greasy or if it’s a new one, a spray cleaner will work justfine. Just make sure to check the label to make sure that it can workon whatever surface your door has.

Follow themanufacturer’s instructions on how to use the cleaner. Make surethat you protect yourself accordingly using goggles, gloves and thelikes. Once you’re done, use a dry and clean cloth to dry thesurface.

Next, make sure totape the parts that you don’t want to be painted on. At this pointsince you’ve already removed the fixtures, it’s just a matter oftaping the sides and the edges. If the design calls for some surfaceto remain unpainted, then tape those surfaces as well. Of course ifthere are fixtures that you can’t remove like windows, tape them aswell.

Take this time to inspect the door properly to see if there are dents that you’d like repaired. Sand down the dents using an 80-grit sandpaper before using a patching compound to cover the dents. Allow to dry for at least 40 minutes before leveling them using a 150-grit sandpaper. Do so until the dents are not that obvious anymore.

Once you’re done,it’s time to sand the entire door using a 400-grint sandpaper. Thegoal here is to roughen up the surface a bit, just enough for theprimer and the paint to stick. Don’t put too much elbow grease onthis task or else, you may end up damaging the door.

There should be alot of dust and you need to remove them. Wipe the door using a dampand clean cloth, making sure that it’s totally dust-free onceyou’re done. If there’s a lot of dust, vacuum it first beforewiping it down.

  1. Prime the door.

The first thingthat you have to know is that by itself, paint wouldn’t stick wellto metal. They’re not designed to bond well together. This is whythe use of the right primer is important. In this case, the primerwill act as some sort of double-sided tape. The metal door will stickto it and it will stick to the paint.

Make sure that theprimer is designed to be used for metal doors. Make sure that it’salso compatible with the paint that you’ll be using. If unsure,make sure to ask the paint store before buying.

Using a small paintroller, coat the entire door. Leave it to dry for 1 to 3 hoursdepending on the primer and the weather conditions. Apply a secondcoating once dry. Make sure that it’s really dry before advancing.

Since you’reprobably painting both sides, you should prime one side at a time.Once you’re done with the 2 coats, you can work on the other side.

NOTE: There arepaints that don’t require a primer. If you happen to find one inyour area, you can skip this part and just follow the manufacturer’sinstructions on how to apply it.

  1. Apply the paint.
Best Paint Brush For Front Door

This is the crucialstep if you want to avoid brush marks. It’s this simple. If youdon’t want the appearance of brush marks, don’t use a brush! Thebest way to apply the paint is with the use of a professionalsprayer. This is the one used by professional and experiencedcontractors. This ensures uniformity.

As an alternative,you can also use a foam roller. Use a smaller roller like a 3-inchone. One password firefox. Resist the temptation to use a bigger one so you can cover moreareas per roll. A smaller roller allows you to work around edges andlines. You can use a bigger roller if you have a flat door.

You should also usea roller cover if you’re using a foam roller. Don’t use somethingwith more than a 3/8 inch nap or run the risk of poor texture.

Do note that theglossier the paint is, the more important it is to use a sprayer.

It’s alsoimportant that you use paint that’s designed for exterior use. Ifthe can says semi-gloss or exterior satin, then it can be used forthe exterior metal door.

Apply the firstcoat using the sprayer or foam roller. Unfortunately, there’s agood chance that you still need to use a brush. This is for hard toreach areas like the grooves. As a consolation, it’s pretty hard tonotice the brush marks in these areas.

Leave it to dry forat least 6 hours. Sometimes, it may take up to 18 hours for thesurface to dry. Don’t apply a second coating or work on the otherside before it’s completely dry.

While applying,make sure that you fix any uneven areas or drip marks. Do this beforeit dries.

Once the firstcoating is done and dry, it’s recommended that you apply a secondcoating. Additional coating will improve its resistance andappearance. Apply additional coatings until you’re fully-satisfiedwith the appearance.

Once you’re done,you can work on the other side.

You may be temptedto use a heat gun or a hair dryer to speed up the drying process.Don’t do this. This will lead to uneven parts.

The best time toapply the paint is early in the morning or in the evening. Thisprevents the paint from drying too fast before you get the chance toensure evenness. If it dries up before you’re finished, you’dhave to repaint.

  1. Re-attach the door.

Remove the tapesand attach the fixtures that you removed. Re-attach the door to theframe. If there’s weather-stripping, remove it after re-attachingthe door to give it enough space to dry completely without beingpressed against the stripping. You can re-install it after a coupleof days.

Spray Paint Steel Door

In addition to preventing brush marks.Spray painting steel door leads to more even results. It’s alsoeasier to apply paint using a spray applicator.

Can I Use Latex Paint on a Metal Door?

Yes! Actually, latex is the most commontype used for a metal door. It’s used even by professionals. Ithelps that it’s readily-available.

Best Paint Brush For Front Door

You do have to choose the right typebecause there are paints that are designed for interior use. In thiscase, you have to buy one that’s designed for exterior application.This type has additives that help against changing weatherconditions.

What is the Best Kind of Paint to Use on ExteriorMetal Doors?

You can check out brands likeRustOleum. Check out their oil-based paints. Choose one that has asemigloss finish. This is very important since this is an exteriorapplication. Semigloss paints will make it easier to clean the doors.

Do Primed Steel Doors Need to be Painted?

This is a common question becauseprimed steel doors may look good even without being painted. However,it’s important to note that a primer’s main job is to help thepaint adhere to the surface. The primer doesn’t have the protectivequalities that exterior paint has. Simply put, it can’t helpprotect your door against the weather which is very importantespecially for an exterior door.

How do I Remove Paint from a Metal Door?

Do you need to remove paint from ametal door? Yes. Even if you’re using latex paint, you can’tapply paint on a layer of paint. It has to be bare metal.

One important thing that you have to worry about is whether you’re about to remove lead paint or not, the same way that you may have to consider the presence of lead in old radiators. Removing it on your own is very hazardous. We recommend buying test kits to check if it’s safe to remove or not.

Here’s how to remove it:

  1. Using a paint brush, apply paint thinner on the painted surfaces. Use a pressure washer set to 80 psi and operate via a sweeping motion. Stop every now and then to check how you’re progressing. This task will be very easy if the paint was applied using a spray applicator.
  2. Heat the surface using a heat gun. This will lead to the paint curling up, making it easier to remove. Once it has curled up, you can use a scraper to scrape it away.
  3. Apply paint thinner again. Scrub the remaining paint using sand paper or a wire brush.
  4. Using a soft-bristled brush, scrub the remaining paint using a nail polish remover with acetone.
  5. Rinse with water.

Make sure that you’re careful! Consider buying bulk lead paint test kits if needed or have someone come out with a portable XRF device to check the door for lead paint.

Best Paint Brush For Front Door

How to Paint a Primed Steel Door

We’ve already discussed how to painta primed steel door. At this point, some of you may still bewondering what primer to use. It’s best to use an oil-based one orrust-resistant latex.

After choosing, it’s just a matter of following the manufacturer’s instructions.

The hidden dangers in your home

Did you know that there is a significant chance that there are certain things in your home that will have various things in them that will potentially be dangerous to you?

If you have kids living at your place, you would especially want to make sure that it doesn’t contain any dangers that you don’t know about, right?

Well, chances are that even if you are taking your precautions, there are still going to be things you probably haven’t thought about, or there may have been product recalls that you weren’t aware of because, perhaps the specific product had a higher lead content level in it than what is permitted.

Perhaps you weren’t aware of the procedure for properly removing plaster that was installed back in the day when they would put all sorts of nasty things in the walls, and when you decided on removing the plaster, all of that dust suddenly ended up going straight into your lungs as a consequence.

There is a reason why people are as focused on making sure that they are having a safe pregnancy and avoiding things like alcohol, but additionally making sure that you aren’t being exposed to potentially harmful VOCs and other elements that affect the air quality.

Even if you are renting the place that you are living at and you have to deal with a landlord, you still have an interest in actually making sure that things are done properly and hairline cracks are dealt with if they cause any sort of issues and lead paint is encapsulated or removed. For instance, you won’t simply be able to use any sort of paint stripper if you have found that there are issues with the paint that is in the home that you are in, nor will you simply want that all that potentially dangerous dust is unleashed upon you and your family, why there are a bunch of measures that will need to be taken when dangerous paint is discovered.

While the rest of this article may be wandering a little bit off the topic of painting your exterior metal door, it is important that you know about some of the various dangers in your home, especially since you may have bought this metal front door at a time when regulations were less strict than they are today.

For instance, while you are taking every single measure that you possibly can to make sure that your newborn baby is safe and is able to sleep safely, did you know that it is estimated that there are more than 20 million cribs in the United States that are dangerous for one reason or another? Although they may not all have increased risk of suffocation, there are a bunch of other concerns that may be the case too. Did you know that there were more than 11 million units that were recalled between 2009 and 2011 related to early childhood life because these units posed some sort of threat to your child? That includes cribs and other bed items that were found to be dangerous for your kid, items that should honestly just be thrown in the dumpster to make sure that it doesn’t end up hurting anyone.

How would you feel if you found out that you were accidentally exposing your kid to a range of unwanted things, like mattresses that contain all sorts of harmful chemicals that you may not even be able to smell?

The worrying thing is that there are as many product recalls as there are, despite the fact that serious measures have been taken to ensure the manufacturing standards and make sure that these products do not in fact pose any risk to you or your family. For one, if you have been following allowing on this blog, you will know that there was serious legislation that was initiated in both 1977 and 1992, first surrounding the use of lead paint in homes and subsequently following the use of consumer products, the legislation which followed in 1992. Despite of that, you can see that there are a bunch of products that have been recalled because of the amount of lead content in them – just check out this page on the CPSC’s website, where we have specifically tailored the search to include lead paint violators. You will additionally find that a lot of these products are sold on major retail sites like Amazon and Hasbro. If you are now repainting a metal door in your home, there is a very big chance that you are doing so because it’s old, and when that is the case, the risk that it contains lead goes up exponentially, why we are encouraging you to make sure that you are doing so in a safe manner, especially when you have kids in the house!

Besides the risk of lead paint, especially in homes that have old metal doors, or older homes in general, there are various things that may be a cause for concern when it comes to the well-being of your loved ones.

One of those various things goes hand in hand with deteriorating lead paint as they are all reasons why you should be concerned about the air quality in your home.

If you do have the habit of smoking, you aren’t unfamiliar with the fact that these have a lot of pollutants in them, and it isn’t our place to tell you whether or not you should be engaging in this behavior. However, if you care about protecting those you love from inhaling this damaging smoke as well, you may just want to step outside as you are indulging in your guilty pleasure. With 4,000 various compounds in cigarettes, you are bound to find some of them that are truly damaging, especially to growing people. In fact, more than 40 of these are carcinogens, and while your exposure may be bigger than the exposure of someone who is inhaling it as second hand smoke, they are at least compounds that you will want to get out of the house to improve the safety and air quality for people residing in there.

Some of the other things that you should be concerned about when it comes to ensuring the best air quality in your home, includes making sure that you air it out properly and that you address any mold concerns that you may have. The sooner you address mold concerns, the more easily this can also be done. Properly airing out a bathroom after a long shower is an easy thing to include, even if you are a little bit stressed in the morning.

Either way, we hope you enjoyed this article on painting your metal doors, as well as other safety measures we encourage in your home!

There are multiple reasons for discovering brush marks. It could come with both oil and water-based paints or varnish.

The major reason for such marks is paint not flowing out properly while application. This can literally ruin the overall paint finish on door. So, knowing beforehand about cool tricks that can avoid such silly mistakes will pay you better.

Some common reasons also involve paint being too thick. Also, sometimes the conditions turn out to be extra warm. This might lead the paint to dry sooner than required. Let’s talk about a safe method on how to paint a front doors without brush marks.

Also Read:

How to Paint a Flat Door: Tricks to Avoid Stroke Marks!

Here’s a quick fun analysis. I want you to imagine a boat gliding on the water surface. While it glides there is a groove left behind, right? Once the water settles down on its place, this groove tends to disappear.

Best Paint Brush For Front Door

When you paint on a surface, the same thing happens. The brush leaves a similar kind of groove on that surface. This might quickly dry before getting a chance to settle down. Especially with faster drying formulation paints.

You’ll witness a similar event while staining the deck. The deck stainmight end up creating ugly marks because of fast drying time.

However, if you follow some really effective hacks while painting or staining, these stroke marks never happen in the first place.

Gathering Necessary Tools.

For the lovely procedure of repairing these marks, you’ll need an electric sander. The random orbital type will be just one perfect pick for this task

Also, you’ll have to collect a few different types of grit sanding discs. You’ll want to have one 150 or 180 grit for finish job. The 120 or 140 grit will help in smoothing it down. Finally, the 100-grit type for initial sanding.

Make sure you are well prepared with some safety gear. A good pair of safety goggles is a must-have item for this list. Also, be sure to wear a proper dust mask.

The final tool you’ll need is a 2- or 3-inches brush. If you have a good idea about how to paint a door with a roller, then include mini 4 inches one instead of a brush. Mini rollers are great at getting big areas fast.

Getting Rid of Previous Marks.

I’m considering this step for those who are already cursed with such brush stroke marks on their door. Let’s start by eliminating those marks and then move towards repainting. And you’ll be using the electric sander for this purpose.

First of all, detach the door you’ll be sanding. On a steady surface make it lay flatly. That way it’ll be much easier to sand the door. However, if the door is tough to detach, continue in situ position.

Get the roughest sanding disc, 100 grit. Use it to gradually sand the flat door panels where those ugly strokes and old paint are sitting. You’ll notice the marks and strokes are starting to come off.

Now use the medium sanding disc. Sand out the door’s rough surface that is caused by first sanding. Finally using the 150-grit sanding disc (Or 180 grit) bring out a smooth final finish. It’s time for you to paint.

Mix Paint Conditioner (Not Thinner).


Some of you might have heard about paint thinner and conditioner. But most don’t really understand the difference. Many consider both of these paint mixing stuff the same thing.

You should always use a paint conditioner like Floetrol. Paint thinners are like water and they are not meant to help in such cases. Instead, this takes away the power of covering more. It degrades the qualities to many extend.

Use floetrol with your paint to get rid of brush and roller marks. It won’t ruin the coverage while thinning down paint. So that the layers appear smooth. It also helps to slow down the drying time. So, you get an extra period for leveling the paint.

Using paint that is mixed with floetrol will drastically eliminate 70-90% of brush marks. You can try using Penetrol instead of floetrol for oil bases products. It’s basically the same thing but works better with oil-based paints.

Door Laying Flat on an Even Surface.

Well, this one trick is always mentioned when there’s a discussion on how to paint exterior door.You see, laying the door flat opens every opportunity to make strokes be as smooth as possible. You can easily paint with thick coats. There’s won’t be any worrying about getting runs.

Also, it is noticeable that with the door laying flat, thick paint needs more time to dry up. So, you’ll have some extra moments to flatten the uneven paint before drying up. Laying down the door will also help paint to sink better.

In most cases where the door is unattached while painting, carpets and flooring become victims. Also, the chance of getting any paint on hinges are absolutely zero with this method. It’s one of the most painful side effects of doing DIY door painting.

Using Velour Roller Cover.

This is probably the best trick that reduces chance of marks completely. All you need to do is use some velour roller cover with a 4-inch-roller. Using a small brush will also help but I prefer the roller technique more.

Cover is practically the finest at diminishing any shed possible. Also, it is a super nap roller that leaves almost no texture on the surface.

Many DIYers who use this technique call it as effective as professional spraying method. You want to deal with grooved areas with a brush first.

These areas are not great to handle with a roller. Once you settle down those spots, use the velour roller. Thoroughly go over all flat areas with the velour roller and you’ll be astounded with finishing results.

Coat, Sand & Coat Again.

While painting the door, you’ll probably go for multiple coats to achieve an even result. No matter what coat you apply, make sure to sand in between. This is really important if you want to avoid brush marks in the end.

Use a sanding sponge and go over the surface once coating layer dries off. You should use a medium grit sponge before applying the primer.

Then before the first coat and after primer, use a fine sanding sponge. The extra-fine sanding sponges are great for intervals of first and later coatings.

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Best Paint Brush For Front Door


This trick is possibly the finest way to ensure not a single stroke mark shows in your door. I love the smooth results every time trying this one little hack. No brushstroke, roller mark or any grain at all will remain in the ending. This trick is a great way to hide grains from Oak as well. But you’ll have to invest some extra effort and time.

Best Brush For Exterior Painting

Start with the first coat of primer and sand lightly. Use a fine sanding sponge for this once primer dry.

Go for another coat of primer and sand following drying it again.

Repeat this for the third time in a row.

Make sure the primer coat is as even as possible without any marks left.

Once the third coat is dried completely, use a 150-grit sander to get a smooth and flawless finish. Use spinning motion instead of forcing the sander.

Don’t take off primer coat with sanding through the wood. This will invite re-priming.

The three-coat technique will make a perfect base for a thick sandable surface. So, you’ll end up having the flattest surface for painting. As a result, there will be no brush stroke marks absolutely.


It’s time for me to wrap up for today. Before that I want you to know that choosing good quality paint is also important along with these tricks to get a smoother finish.

Some poor-quality paints won’t let you have an even surface no matter what amount of effort and time invested. So, before you complain about anything at all, make sure the paint you’re using is of good quality.

Hopefully, you’ll have no more nightmares of brush marks and roller grain.

Best Paint Brush For A Front Door

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