Github Firefox Firefox Design Hub CSS 11 19 0 0 Updated Apr 24, 2020. Photon-components-web Photon versions of the some common WebComponents JavaScript MPL-2.0 11 27 29 2 Updated Feb 13, 2020. Photon-colors The design tokens for the Photon color scheme. GitHub File Icon for Firefox is an extension that seeks to offer a solution to this issue, providing you with unique icons for each file type and improving the appearance of GitHub project pages. Firefox user.js privacy and optimization settings. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. The toolbar has buttons that control the debugger’s movement through the script.; The watch expressions section allows us to watch expressions as executions are paused.; The breakpoints section displays all of the breakpoints that have been set. Next to each breakpoint is a checkbox to enable or disable that breakpoint. The call stack section displays each level of the call stack, as well as.

(Redirected from Github)

This page is specifically about the 'mozilla' organization on github. There are several other github organizations you may be interested in, cf. the incomplete list below.

Do you have a GitHub administration question for an org?
See table for contact info for each organization.
  • 2Recommendations and FAQ
    • 2.2How do I hook up a new GitHub Actions or 3rd party application to a repository in the mozilla org?
      • 2.2.2GitHub Apps Installation & Approval Process
    • 2.5Can I be a Member of the Mozilla Organization?


  • 2021-01-21 - Converting to a '2FA required policy' for an organization/
  • 2021-01-19 - Notes on renaming the default branch of your GitHub repositories.
  • 2019-02-19 - Mozilla's Code of Conduct is required to be included in every repository, following this procedure.
  • 2018-03-29 - new Guidelines for securing sensitive repositories published. These are good practices for any repository that does 'releases', and some groups my require adherence on their repositories.

Recommendations and FAQ

The actions below are specifically for the 'mozilla' organization on GitHub. Other organizations may have different or additional procedure. Please refer to the other organizations table below for the proper service request address and contact information.

Where should I ask additional questions?

  • Please use the contact list to find the best address.
  • If the issue relates to the Mozilla org, then you can send an email to github-owners and one of the volunteers will respond.
  • For other orgs, the volunteers in the #github-admin room on Matrix may be able to point you in the correct direction.

How do I hook up a new GitHub Actions or 3rd party application to a repository in the mozilla org?

Note: There are now multiple 3rd party application types. 'GitHub Apps' (nee integrations) are the new approach and preferred.
Note: Some 3rd party apps use GitHub as an OAuth identity provider for their website (e.g. for a dashboard). An OAuth Application will block the installation process if the app is not already approved. The 'Request access' block is what this section describes.

Each type has it's own installation and approval process. Please follow the instructions in the correct section below.

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions allow automation to be initiated by various repository events. GitHub Actions are now available for all public repositories. Each organization makes a decision on whether or not they should be enabled. Check with your organization owners if you have questions.

Note: GitHub Actions have not yet been fully evaluated for use on 'sensitive repositories'. The current guidance is to only use actions authored by GitHub or your development team. Please work with your security team if you wish to utilize non-GitHub-authored GitHub Actions on a sensitive repository.

To request a non-GitHub-authored action to be used in the 'mozilla' organization, follow the procedure for requesting approval for a new GitHub App, immediately below.

GitHub Apps Installation & Approval Process

GitHub Apps (formerly called 'integrations') are 'Installed' into either the entire organization, or into individual repositories. Each integration has a documented and granular access to repository resources. This is good.

However, the GitHub App installation can only be done by an organization owner, who may have to do additional housekeeping. This is not so good, so please plan accordingly (you may need to coordinate with GitHub owners).

  • File a request using this bug template
  • Include answers to the questions prompted for in the above template. Additional notes:
    • Which repositories do you want to have access? (all or list) -- 'All' will rarely be granted - every repository should have control over anything that can access their repository.
    • Are any of those repositories private? -- In general, OAuth apps will not be granted access to private repositories, as that grants access to all private repositories.
    • Provide link to vendor's description of permissions needed and why -- Hopefully they have this documented, or at least provide a screenshot of the authorization screen which lists the permissions. If not, we may ask you (the requestor) to engage with the app's support team to obtain the answers.
    • Provide the Install link for a GitHub app -- mandatory, as we can't install the app without it.
  • If you are not an 'admin' for the repository, an 'admin' will have to approve the request. Please set a 'Need Info' on the appropriate repository admin.
Initial Installation

If this is the first time this GitHub App is being installed in the organization, a few extra checks and coordination are needed. An organization owner will need to perform these steps:

  • Determine if the GitHub App previously had an OAUTH version in use in the same org. (The simplest way is to see if the app is listed under the 'Third-party Application' section of the organization settings page. Any mention -- including 'declined' -- counts as 'in use' for this purpose.)
    • If the OAuth app was in use, check the app installation documentation to see if there are any caveats. (We've only seen one app transition where there was an impact, but better safe than sorry.)
    • If there are caveats that apply, ask the requestor to contact all current repositories using the classic OAUTH application to coordinate, cc'ing GitHub owners. This task is non-trivial, you usually need to access the OAuth app's dashboard, and have knowledge of how the app works. (Do NOT authenticate to any OAuth app with your owner account.)
  • Install the GitHub app for 'specific repositories', and enable the ones in the request.

Please do not install GitHub apps with organization wide scope without first discussing with GitHub owners.

Additional Installations or Removals

If the GitHub App has already been installed in the organization, the new repository simply needs to be added or removed from the list. An organization owner has to make this change. Please still file a bug. As before, a repository admin has to approve the request.

If you're an org owner, you can see what has already been installed.

OAUTH (classic) Applications

  • Authorizing an application to work with GitHub utilizes the permissions your account has -- so, any repositories you have access to the application will have access to as well (including private ones). If you want to grant access to an application that no one else has used with the Mozilla organization yet you'll see a 'Request access' button during the set up flow. You'll need to click that button to request approval. See below for an example:
  • In some cases, the application does not need to be 'approved' to function correctly, as it has read only access to any public repository. (Some applications only want write access to help you configure the application first time.)
  • In other cases, the application does need write permission, and/or permission to read a private repository. In these cases, open a bug using this template.
    • Please be sure to have clicked the 'Request Approval' link before submitting bug.
  • Include answers to these questions:
    • Provide link to vendor's description of permissions needed and why
    • Provide installation instructions (both may be needed):

Reviewing owners and permissions

As an owner or repository admin you're responsible for maintaining the list of people with access to your projects. Please be active and prudent about maintaining this list.

Can I be an Owner of the Mozilla Organization?

The Owners group on GitHub has complete administrative power and will be limited to a minimal number of people and reviewed regularly. If a person is an owner, they are expected to actively participate in the group and assist others as requested. Owners will be added as a need arises (for example, support in another timezone) as determined by the current owners.

Can I be a Member of the Mozilla Organization?

No one automatically becomes a member of any of our GitHub Organizations, even staff. Cubase 9. We require everyone to be 'sponsored' for membership by being invited to a specific team, as outlined below.


Firefox Github Android

Good news! You do not need to be a member of the Mozilla organization on GitHub before you can contribute to Mozilla!!!! We have several sites which can help you find the best fit for contribution:

  • General volunteering options,
  • Or pick from these areas,
  • Or jump right into fixing a bug.
  • If you're already a contributor (THANK YOU!) looking for a place to have your work recognized (even if not coding related), please see the Credits FAQ for inclusion in the credits.

Once you're working on a project, the project leaders and/or team maintainers can help you get access to anything you need. Instructions for them are directly following.

Team Maintainers & Project Leads

Project owners and team maintainers may find the following information helpful when asking for access for a new team member (staff or community):

  • We require the use of github teams when initially granting permissions to org members. (Collaborators have to be added individually.)
  • All members of the Mozilla organization on github agree to be bound by Mozilla's Commit Access Requirements, and should follow the intent of the Mozilla's Commit Access Policy as much as practical. Of course, anyone interacting with Mozilla repositories agrees to Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines
    • 'Outside Collaborator': repository admins can grant outside collaborator access to any GitHub login on a per repository basis. 'Outside Collaborator' is roughly analogous to 'Level 1a' access to Mozilla-hosted repositories.
    • 'Team Member': team maintainers can add GitHub users to a team, if they are already a member of the organization. If they are not yet a member of the organization, the team maintainer should file a bug using this link to add you to their team, as a form of vouching. 'Team Member' is roughly analogous to 'Level 2' or 'Level 3', with the distinction being the content of the repositories managed by the team.

To get access for a new Contributor, please have the team maintainer or repository admin Ford 105 tiller parts manual. file a bug using this link, and fill in the details.

Github Firefox

Please Note:

Github Firefox Paywall

  • All staff (folks with an entry in MUST have their verified GitHub identity entered there.
  • We will cancel any invitation to the organization which is not accepted within 2 weeks.
  • All members of the Mozilla organization on GitHub MUST have 2FA enabled.
  • Automation accounts are also required to have 2FA enabled. Scripts should use access tokens with minimum permissions to accomplish the task.

Should I make a separate github organization or just create a repository in an existing one?

This is a personal preference, in general. (Some product lines may have policies about source code locations.) If you have a large enough project or organization feel free. We suggest you use the strategies and recommendations here as a model to manage the details. Additional resources on establishing an organization are:

  • Mozilla Standardslogin required
  • If you need any paid services, contact github owners for access to Billing Notes

Forking vs Transferring

Do not 'fork' a repository into a Mozilla organization. Doing so gives every team in the org rights to it. There are a number of limitations to just pushing your repo's content into a new repo under mozilla (you loose all GitHub metadata). Refer to GitHub's docs for details.

If you have created a repo on your own account (for example, myuser/myrepo) and it should live under the Mozilla organization, here are the steps:

  1. If you're not a member of any team, talk to an org admin.
  2. Under the repo admin, transfer ownership to the Mozilla organization. If you don't see this option, return to step 1.
  3. Choose which teams should be given access. All chosen teams will have only 'read' access at this point.
  4. File a bug to grant admin permissions to a team or yourself.
    Note: As soon as you transfer, your repository will be in 'limbo' (only you will have write access) due to a GitHub 'feature' (see docs). Make arrangements in advance to have an owner available to process the bug.
  5. Fork the repo from Mozilla (mozilla/myrepo) back to your account (recreating myuser/myrepo). While the transferred repo becomes the root of the network on GitHub (e.g. all forks are now forks of mozilla/myrepo) other users may be pointing to your repo by URL. (Optional, github will redirect old URLs for transfers, but you probably want a local repo if you use the PR workflow.)

Do I need to be an owner to create repositories?

Not in the 'mozilla' organization. If you are a member, you can create a repository. Other organizations may restrict repository creation. However, it's preferred that you create repositories in the context of a team. Teams are created here, if necessary. Once you have created a repo, you can configure it to give rights to members of particular teams.

Note: Remember that all repositories must comply with the GitHub/Repository Requirements.

The 'mozilla' organziation does have a limited number of private repositories available. These are reserved for repositories containing non-public data, or other business reason. Please request private repositories using this Bugzilla template. Be sure to answer all questions marked 'REQUIRED' in the form.

Github Firefox

As the creator, you will automatically have 'admin' permissions on the repository. Repository Admins are responsible for the security settings of the repository. This includes approving (or not) requests for GitHub Apps to be added to the app.

Please review all the settings for your new repository, and disable features you will not be using. The default values can change, and new services added, so specific guidance can't be given. But do you really need that wiki? Or the project board? You can always enable them later if you decide you need them.

We have sensitive code or data in this repository - any extra steps I should take?

Yes. Even if your repository is private, there are steps you can take to ensure you know if something has changed. See the GitHub/Repository Security page for additional information and a checklist.

We're done with this project - what should we do with the repository?

That is really up to the team. However, if you have forks or other active user participation, it's a good idea to be clear about the status of Mozilla's commitment to the project. Your options include:

  • Delete the repo (obviously the worst alternative).
  • Add the Unmaintained badge to the readme
  • Archive the repository, using GitHub's suggestions.

PLEASE make sure the repository is clearly licensed before leaving it. Without a license, many other folks can not build upon your work.

Are there requirements for when or how I should create a new team?

No. When requirements were proposed they all seemed too rigid and time consuming. Instead we recommend staying flexible and using good naming and documentation for projects (similar to naming CSS classes or variables).

On large teams we recommend you separate teams for read/write and repository administration.

Is 'mozilla' the only github 'organization' related to Mozilla?

No, there are plenty of Mozilla-related 'organizations' on github. As a rule of thumb, initiatives that create a large number of sub-repositories will create their own 'organization'. Here is a (probably incomplete) list of them:

NOTE: All GitHub Organizations in this section are subject to the Repository Requirements.

Github Linux

Organization Description Contact Owner Service Requests
mozilla Mozilla main organization Matrix; Email github-owners Please check above for a more specific link, otherwise use :: Github: Administration
mozilla-it Mozilla IT's repositories Slack/🔒it-all
mozillabrasil Mozilla Brazil ?
bugzilla Bugzilla (the product, not #bugzilla
drumbeat-badge-sprint Drumbeat Badge Lab ?
hackasaurus Hackasaurus ?
jetpack-labs Jetpack Labs ?
mdn Mozilla Developer Network John Whitlock
mozbrick Mozilla Brick (web components library) ?
mozilla-applied-ml MAML - Mozilla Applied Machine Learning
mozilla-appmaker Mozilla Appmaker ?
mozilla-b2g Mozilla Boot2Gecko / Firefox OS ?
mozilla-bteam #bteam
mozilla-cit Mozilla Community Ops Tanner Filip (tanner) or Yousef Alam (yalam96)
mozilla-comm Calendaring and Messaging related projects ?
mozilla-cordova Firefox OS Support for Apache Cordova ?
mozilla-iam Mozilla's identity and access management kang
mozilla-iot Mozilla's Internet of Things program David Bryant (dbryant), Ben Francis (bfrancis) No longer active. Has transitioned to community ownership using new organization WebThingsIO.
mozilla-lockbox Mozilla Lockbox iOS, Android, desktop extension mozilla-lockbox owners
mozilla-metrics Mozilla Metrics ?
mozilla-platform-ops Mozilla Platform Operations Platform_Operations
mozilla-raptor Mozilla Raptor / Firefox OS Performance Eli Perelman (eliperelman), Rob Wood (rwood)
mozilla-releng Mozilla Release Engineering #releng
mozilla-services Mozilla Services mozilla-services ownersOpen Issue
mozilla-mobile Mobile: Android Product Team & Firefox iOS teams mozilla-mobile owners
mozilla-spidermonkey Mozilla SpiderMonkey Team tools and embedding info Ted Campbell (tcampbell); Matrix
mozilla-standards Mozilla Standards (for IPR Contributions) dbaron, annevk
mozilla-svcops Mozilla Cloud Services Ops Daniel Thornton (relud)
Mozilla-TWQA Mozilla Taiwan QA ?
mozillahispano Mozilla Hispano ?
MozillaReality Mozilla Mixed Reality program Erica Stanley (estanley)
MozillaResearch Mozilla Research spaceLars Bergstrom (larsberg)
MozillaScience Mozilla Science Lab ?
MozillaSecurity Mozilla Platform Fuzzing Team master repo with many fuzzing tools under it. ?
MozillaWiki MozillaWiki ( Christie Koehler (ckoehler), Gordon P. Hemsley (gphemsley)
mozillayvr Mozilla Vancouver @MozillaYVR Brian Clark (bclark), Stephanie Hobson (shobson)
mozfr Mozilla Francophone
opennews Knight-Mozilla OpenNews ?
rust-lang The Rust Programming Language Aaron Turon (aturon)
servo Servo (browser engine written in Rust) Lars Bergstrom (larsberg), Josh Matthews (jdm)
mozilla-l10n Mozilla l10n-drivers team Francesco Lodolo
taskclusterTaskCluster Team Greg Arndt
MozillaCH Mozilla SwitzerlandMichael Kohler (mkohler), freaktechnik (freaktechnik)
MozMEAO Mozilla MarketingBenjamin Sternthal (bensternthal), Paul McLanahan (pmac)
mozilla-payments Implementation of Web Payment APIs Caceres Marcos Caceres
mozilla-jetpack Resources for Mozilla's Add-on SDK ?
web-ext-experiments WebExtension API Experiments Andy McKay (andym)
mozilla-conduit Mozilla Conduit work glob (glob)
mozsearch The code that runs Kartikaya Gupta (kats)
MozillaCZMozilla.czMichal Stanke (mstanke), Michal Vašíček (MekliCZ), Tomáš Zelina (zelitomas)
MozillaSKMozilla.skMichal Stanke (mstanke), Juraj Cigáň (kusavica)
MozillaDataScience Ad-hoc analyses by data scientists. Matrix:
mozilla-extensions CI- and release-enabled privileged webextensions and system addons. Slack: #addon-pipeline
Mozilla-Frontend-Infra Frontend Testing support Mozilla Frontend Infra request
mozilla-rally ION (former Pioneer) platform. Slack: #ion
firefox-devtools Firefox Developer Tools ?
common-voice Common Voice Jenny Zhang (phirework), Matrix:

Are there other unofficial or Mozilla-related repositories hosted on Github?

Why, yes! In no particular order:

  • : Cubeb cross platform audio library.
  • : Rust bindings for cubeb.
  • : WebM demuxer.
  • : Modern audio compression for the internet.
  • : Mirror only. Please do not send pull requests.
  • : Firefox Developer Tools protocol adapters
  • : Emscripten: An LLVM-to-JavaScript Compiler
  • : Video and exercise based tutorial site for coding Firefox and other Mozilla related technology
  • : A map showing where in the world Firefox OS phones are being sold.
  • : A landing page to make finding relevant bugs easier for new Mozilla contributors.
  • : Test Suites for Web Platform specifications
  • : Web server designed for use with web-platform-tests
  • : Cross-browser and multi-platform test runner for web-platform-tests. Used in mozilla-central and servo.
  • : (no description)
  • : Ask not what Mozilla can do for you but what you can do for Mozilla.
  • Mozilla Defense Platform.
  • WebDriver library for Rust.
  • A git conversion of the full Mozilla CVS history, useful for code archaeology.
  • Audio IPC for Gecko.
  • encoding_rs (character encoding converters for Gecko)
  • : Internal addon used in conjunction with special ASan builds of Firefox.
  • : Fork of 'quick color management' for Firefox
  • : Web Compatibility Team (Industry wide) -- Karl Dubost (kdubost)

Github Linux Tutorial

Retrieved from ''

Introduction to Firefox Debugger

Are you only using console.log to debug your JavaScript code? It is OK to admit. Using console.log is easy and convenient, but it has limitations. It isn’t great for catching things as they happen, or diving deep into code to see exactly where it is broken. To do that, you’ll need a full-featured debugger. The Firefox Debugger has comprehensive tools to evaluate and repair broken code. Once you learn the basics, you’ll find that using a debugger is not only fast and easy, but it can save you from hours of frustration, and potential ‘bang-head-on-desk’ sessions.

We’ll learn the basics of Firefox Debugger by debugging a simple to-do app. You will need Firefox to follow along. Don’t have Firefox? Check outFirefox Developer Edition.

Before diving in, let’s take a look at the Debugger interface. Hitoption + command +S on Mac or shift +ctrl + S on Windows to open the Debugger.

The Debugger is divided into three panes:

  • The source list pane shows all the JavaScript files related to the current page or project.
  • The source pane shows the content of those files.
  • The tool pane contains info and tools.

Feature_browser_emulation edge download. The tool pane can be broken down into five sections:

All of the tools available in the tools pane
  • The toolbar has buttons that control the debugger’s movement through the script.
  • The watch expressions section allows us to watch expressions as executions are paused.
  • The breakpoints section displays all of the breakpoints that have been set. Next to each breakpoint is a checkbox to enable or disable that breakpoint.
  • The call stack section displays each level of the call stack, as well as the function name, filename, and line number.
  • The scopes section displays all objects that are in scope.

Github Firefox Extension

Don’t worry if you don’t understand what all of these terms and symbols mean. We’ll cover them in the following sections. Just take note of where things are so that you can follow along.

Now that we’ve reviewed the Debugger interface, let’s use it to fix a broken to-do app.

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