Good Spo2 Level

Doctors will often monitor your oxygen levels. These can be monitored by using a pulse oximeter. You can monitor your own oxygen levels at home by purchasing your own pulse oximeter. Still, what is the best way of interpreting your oxygen levels? What do they mean? Here’s what to know.

An oxygen level below 88% can be dangerous for any period of time. An oxygen level below 85% warrants a trip to the hospital. Keep in mind that an oxygen level 80% and lower puts your vital organs in danger, so it is important to keep a blood oxygen level chart handy so you know what levels require immediate treatment. In general, there’s no cause for concern if your SpO2 levels are between 95%-100% at sea level. However, many new smartwatches and fitness trackers now can measure SpO2 levels. This has led to a trend where people are focused on increasing their blood oxygen levels.

I've been at 3500 feet for 3 days. Been having chest tightness and shortness of breath and oxygen says 92-95 usually 98. I felt sick on plane too. Previous heart check was good. Norm chest x-ray. Nobody else has low oxygen here but me. What spo2 oxygen level is dangerous. Right now mine is 93 spo2. Answered by a verified Health Professional. For a regular healthy person, the normal blood oxygen saturation level (SpO2) is around 94% to 99%. For patients with mild respiratory diseases, the SpO2 is around 90% or above. However, if SpO2 level falls below 90%, supplementary oxygen should be used.

What is partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2)?

This is the most accurate oxygen level that we monitor. It’s how much oxygen is inside your arterial blood. A perfect reading would be 104. However, anything between 80-100 is considered acceptable. A PaO2 of 60-79 is considered mild hypoxemia. A PaO2 of 40-79 is considered moderate hypoxemia, and a PaO2 of less than 40 is considered severe hypoxemia.

Hypoxemia is a fancy term for a low arterial blood oxygen level. Most experts accept the PaO2 value of 60 as the baseline value we want to maintain. If COPD is causing a PaO2 of less than 60, supplemental oxygen is indicated. Usually, with COPD, all that is needed is a low flow of 2-3 LPM. This is usually all that is needed to maintain a PaO2 of 60 or better. If you want, you can read my article, 'How To Qualify For Home Oxygen Therapy?'

Good Spo2 Level

There is only one way to learn what your PaO2 is. It is to draw blood from one of your arteries. The artery we usually draw it from is the radial artery. This is an artery that is near the surface on the thumb side of the back of your wrist. This test is called an Arterial Blood Gas (ABG). This is an invasive blood draw.

What is oxygen saturation (SpO2)?

SpO2 is another oxygen level. It’s the percentage of oxygen molecules you inhale that make it to your arterial blood. A perfectly normal value is 98%. However, anything greater than 90% is considered acceptable. For some people with COPD, doctors consider anything between 88-92% to be acceptable.

This value is determined using a pulse oximeter. It’s a small, hand-held device that you slip over a finger, toe, or earlobe. You can purchase these in stores. The ones you buy for your home are usually ones that slip over your finger.

These devices can be purchased for less than $30. You can get them from online stores like Amazon. I have seen them at stores like Aldi. The trick here is that you will want to make sure the one you buy is FDA approved. This will ensure that you are getting an accurate reading.

How are pulse oximeters helpful?


Pulse oximeters are helpful because they offer a simple, noninvasive way of determining your oxygen level. But your SpO2 level can also help determine your PaO2. This is by means of the 4-5-6-7-8-9 Rule.

It goes like this.

  • 40 PaO2 equals an SpO2 of 70%
  • 50 PaO2 equals an SpO2 of 80%
  • 60 PaO2 equals an Spo2 of 90%

Basically, you take your SpO2 value minus 30. This gives an 'estimate' of where your PaO2 stands. By doing my own experiments, I have determined this 'estimated' PaO2 to be pretty accurate.

So, if your pulse oximeter gives you a reading of 90%, this means that your estimated PaO2 is 60. That’s right about where we want it. This is why the hospital I work for has a policy of maintaining a SpO2 of 90%. There are some exceptions that we can discuss in a future post if you want.

A helpful tool

Pulse oximeters are nice. They allow you and doctors to monitor your oxygen level at pretty much any time and place. It’s simple, painless, and accurate as long as you have a pulse oximeter that is FDA approved. You should talk to your doctor about determining what SpO2 level is best for you. For most people, it’s 90% or better. However, with some people with COPD, 88% is acceptable too. To learn what oxygen levels are best for you, talk to your COPD doctor.

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4 Amazing Benefits of Home Oxygen Therapy


The Do's and Don'ts of Using Supplemental Oxygen at Home

Using supplemental oxygen will increase your oxygen levels but there are other tips that can help increase your oxygen levels, its circulation and your body’s ability to take up the additional oxygen and utilise it more efficiently.

Take a look at these ideas as in conjunction with your home oxygen therapy a little change could greatly increase your oxygen levels and quality of life.

Low Sp02 Levels

These 10 ideas will help to improve your oxygen levels:

1. Open your windows. Fresh air will bring additional oxygen into your home and even if you are constantly breathing in oxygen through a cannula, whenever you talk or open your mouth fresh air containing higher oxygen levels can be drawn into your body. If you live in a smoggy area then you could consider investing in an air-filtration system.

2. Plants. They are the opposite of us as they take-in carbon dioxide and expel oxygen. Thereby increasing the foliage and plants in your home will decrease the carbon dioxide and increase the oxygen levels in your home.

3. Aroma. Many of the chemical-filled candles and various other incense type products actually contain carcinogens. Instead it is better to burn all-natural beeswax candles as then you’ll have better luck breathing in oxygen.

4. Exercise. Even a small amount of exercise will help to improve your respiration ability, as your breathing rate increases and deepens your lungs can absorb more oxygen.

5. Increase your water intake. Water is made up of oxygen so by increasing your water consumption you can increase the amount of oxygen in your body.

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6. Go Green. Eating more fresh, raw green juices is beneficial as they are full of vitamins and minerals which your body utilises to aid in the uptake of oxygen.

7. Meditation. Daily meditation or just simply sitting quietly and focusing on your breathing and taking deep breaths for a few minutes can greatly help in reducing stress and improving your oxygen intake.

8. Eat lron-rich foods. Your diet can seriously impact your oxygen levels. Certain foods can help improve your oxygen levels in the blood naturally. Target iron-rich foods such as meats, poultry, fish, legumes and green leafy vegetables as they can improve iron deficiency, which in turn improves blood oxygen levels.

9. Cut out Salt. A diet low in sodium can lead to increased oxygenation via the kidney and the blood.

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10. Eat green raw foods. Oxygen-rich foods can naturally increase your blood oxygen levels. Try eating more green vegetables like kale, broccoli and celery in order to boost your oxygen levels and hopefully breathe easier.

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